Wednesday, September 07, 2011

South Beach?

I have been feeling very tired of late. I have also had a great deal of trouble staying focused. It was pretty simple to see that I have been eating too much and not exercising. Time for a change? I have started to see a trainer again, mainly to get some change up in the routine. More importantly, at his suggestion, I have started to follow the South Beach plan. Net net, get rid of sugar for two weeks. I am on day 4 and feel that I can easily make the two weeks. However after that I can see where it will become more challenging. However after 4 days, I am feeling much better. I am not traveling for a couple of weeks so it ended up being a great time to start something like this that requires focus.

So lots of vegi's, lots of lean proteins - no fruit, no pasta, no bread - no carbs.

I will report back as the days progress. Looking forward to seeing some great results.

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