Saturday, August 11, 2007

Perfect Summer Weather

Our weather has been great this summer! We have had some heat and a lot of sun. The only down side is we have not had much rain. Today is picture perfect, high of 84 low of 60. Humidity is down a bit, but it is still there. Kathryn got up and ran 10 miles this morning and I ran 5 - the humidity was there. Yes, Kathryn hit her 10 mile mark which as all runners know is a major milestone. You enter a different club of runners at the 10 mile mark. You also get to treat yourself to pretty much whatever you want to eat. Linda and I bought her some chocolate from the store this morning that she should enjoy. Jennifer ran with me on the canal which was great. Overall a great way to start the day.

The other big news is the birth of Samantha Lynn Midura, Bonnie finally had her first child on Thursday August 9th at 10:17 pm. Samantha took her time joining us, but made a grand entrance weighing in at 7 lbs and 12 ounce. Linda and the girls now want to get out to see her. I would not be surprised if that happens soon. She is a beautiful baby...

I also weighed in this morning and I have lost between 10 & 12 pounds over the past couple of weeks. It has already started to make a difference in my runs. They feel a lot better and I am able to go longer. The meals have been really good, however I do think that I will go back to weight watchers after I finish this month's meals up. I really like having boca burgers, light potato chips, red lentil soup, and weight watcher meals. I will miss having low fat yogurts. I really like the web site for Nutrisystems, having to type in all the food you eat every day helps. There is a similar site for weight watchers which I will try. All of these plans work if you stick with them for a long period of time. If you don't neither will work. I did however get a great start so I am hopeful that I will get to my goal..

We will report with more news later. PS - Happy Birthday to my mom.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Quiet Time - Over

You may have noticed that I went "dark" for a couple of weeks - well, it has been intentional. With the news of the "boilermaker" next year and a renewal for running, I thought it was probably time to get serious about getting the weight down. Now this is not easy, I must admit, I enjoy eating! I like all foods in large quantities. I also love to drink good beer and wine. I have found a lot of great beers over the summer. I have also found a new love for going the Red Wings games with Linda - for those unfamiliar with Rochester, the Red Wings are the AAA baseball team. It is a great date, the tickets range from $5 - $10 per seat, and there is not bad seat in the house. They also have great food and beer, so how could this not be a great place.

Well, last week I decided to start a diet - my challenge was deciding what diet. After much research and discussion with friends, I decided to try nutri-systems.
I ordered the food while I was on my California trip, which was the last time I posted to the web. I started the actual plan on Monday, July 30th. This was after a weekend that consisted of Red Wings game on Friday, dinner out of Saturday and then golf and dinner at home on Sunday - the Sunday dinner. Of course all of these events were treated as though they were the last meal I was going to have so not calories were spared.

Monday came around and the plan started - I selected Nutri-systems because I wanted something easy - how hard can it be when they send you all the food. It was one of the key reasons I opted this plan versus Weight Watchers. Well, it is not quite that simple. You still have a lot of planning and tracking to do, and they do not provide all of the food. In fact from what I can tell, the food they provide makes up about 40-50% of the daily calories. Oh, well so much for easy. That is OK, because when you know it, I just find I have to plan a bit more then I had hoped. The first couple of days were challenging. The portions are really small - the daily calories for me are about 1800, which make me a little tired and weaker for the first three days. It should also be know that all of the foods are not going to be good - my lunch on the first day was terrible. My breakfast the next day was also pretty bad. As you can imagine, I was starting to get concerned about the meals. Well the good news is that I have now had 6 days worth of food and the other meals have been fine. I have also learned how to plan and what other foods I need. I like the website they use for tracking food, weight, measurements and other notes. Overall, things are now going pretty well - now the tough part of sticking with it. Much of that will happen as weight loss occurs. This is really important for getting myself in a position to start training for the halfs again.

Well, now that I am out of the closet on the diet, I will start to report progress.


HUMAN LOVE INVOLVES ATTACHMENT. Thus, if I do not nurture my primary friendship with God, I may unwittingly turn to my human friends for basic spiritual sustenance. It can be hard to lean on the everlasting arms of the sometimes hidden Divine Friend. … Friendship with God usually requires a conscious awareness of something beyond the physical bounds of material life — an inward attention to a still, small voice.

- Stephanie Ford
Kindred Souls