Monday, July 23, 2007

California Dreamer

Well, I am sitting in sunny Southern California enjoying the sun and surf - well, not the surf part. Just got through with a nice little run outdoors - it was pretty nice. I can see where it would be easier to keep your running up out here - there is no real winter to deal with, so running outdoors, year-round it pretty simple. I am in Torrance so I did not get to run in a great area, mainly got to run around car plants and refineries - sounds like fun.

Last week ended up pretty good, did not get all my miles, but got most of them. Should be OK this week - probably hit the treadmill at the hotel tomorrow and then try to get a run in before I take the flight on Wednesday night back east.

I flew JetBlue from Rochester - Kennedy - Long Beach today - it is an all day affair. I do however like flying JetBlue, the seats are bigger and it is nice to have a TV. Got caught up on some reading and finished my presentation for Wednesday.

Well, I think I am going to go try to find some decent seafood near the beach..


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Training is under way

Three days into the training for the Boilermaker and all is well. A total of 10.5 miles and the paces are pretty good. My goal this week is to get in 18-20 total miles. The weekend looks like it is going to be good for a canal run so I am confident. I may try to get some speed work in tomorrow or Friday. That is always a good way to change things up.

Roger found the RV that we are thinking about getting for the weekend next year.

Now that's an RV. It has all the essentials except the hot tub.

I am about to get settled in on my decision to run Austin again this year and perhaps a west coast event. Not going to do Atlanta, did not really like the event. I need to get some dates final and get the training schedule worked out. Much to decide!

Looks like Kathryn is on plan to run the Rochester 1/2 - I am going to see if I can volunteer to work the event. It should be fun.

I liked this quote from a daily devotional that I get on mail.

MAKE US LIKE THE WIND — ever-moving and ever moving others. And with joy we will dance with the leaves. In submission we will linger in the shade, cooling the skin of those scorched by the sun’s heat. In awe we will pause and be still enough to hover over creation, admiring your world and waiting for your command. And when you move us, we will fly with more strength, reminding people that you are present even in times you may seem invisible. Breathe into our souls, Lord, and make us like the wind, like your Holy Spirit — in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

- Ciona D. Rouse
The Africana Worship Book: Year A

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Boilermaker 2008

Well, it would seem that a new goal has been established for a running event. The Boilermaker in 2008 - http:/ Take some time to look at the site, this race is world famous. It is a 15k with gusto.
Next year, about this time I will be turning 50, another good friend of ours will have just turned 50 by the date of the race. We are going to use this race as an opportunity to show what you can do when you turn 50.

I am sure there will be more to post as we train and get near the date. For those like myself, who need some help keeping track of time, I have put a little countdown clock on the page.

See you soon.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of July, 2007

It's the 4th, time for BBQ, parades, races and fun. This morning, Kathryn, Jennifer, Matthew and myself got up at 7:00am to get to our 5 mile race that started at 8:30. Great weather for the race, it rained just enough to cool things off a little. All our times were good. This of course came after having brisket last night. The brisket turned out pretty good. I am going to put it in the smoker about an hour before the ribs are finished today to let it warm up. Today's menu is brisket, pork ribs, mac salad, brocolli salad, baked beans, hot dogs for the kids. There are also some deviled eggs, a veggie tray and some chips and homemade salsa to start things off.
We are having a few folks over, but it looks like there will be plenty to eat. The weather looks like rain, so we will probably be forced indoors. We need the rain so I don't think anyone will be unahappy with eating indoors.
I hope that everyone takes the time to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in such a great country. Our freedoms have come at a high price and we should be thankful and careful to not take advantage of those who live in parts of the world where freedon is not normal and where people are less fortunate.
To a happy and safe 4th of July....

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It nearly the 4th! time for the Brisket.

It's the 3rd of July which means we are preparing for the 4th. Of course the 4th will start with our 5 mile race, but it then quickly moves to BBQ. I am getting the smoker started today with a brisket, which we will share with some friends who are coming over for dinner tonight. Then I will start it up again tomorrow for some pork baby back ribs. There is nothing better then smoking brisket and ribs. Of course, being from Texas, this brings back alot of great memories. My dad loved to smoke both brisket and ribs. (I think he liked ribs a bit more) Out by the pool, drinking a cold bud or tecate in the 90 degree heat. What fun we all had. The tradition is being carried on with my family, the kids know that when I am getting ready to smoke anything, it is an event. We grill year-round and often, but we do not smoke except one or two times a year. So when we do it is special. Yesterday i had to get the meat, charcoal, hickory wood, and blend the rub. The rub this year is a combination of many rubs I obtained throughout the year - one from Austin, one from a local BBQ place in Rochester and then a little extra brown sugar. Last night I also started to soak the hickory in a little red wine.
This morning I trimmed the brisket (6.5 pounds) and applied the rub - I want to get the brisket up to room temperature and allow the rub to sit on it for an hour before putting on the smoker. I will start the smoker at about 9 or 9:30 and then around 10 the meat will be put on. Most say an hour and a half a pound, I find between 6 and 7 hours. We will see, the internal temp should get to around 185. One recipe I read suggest that you take it off at 175 and wrap in in foil and then put it in the smoker for another hour. I might try it out.
Well, let the smoking begin...

Of course with all of the hoopla around smoking the brisket, I also really am grateful to have a couple of days with family and friends. Last week there was a tragic car accident in Fairport that took the lives of five girls who had just graduated from high school. I cannot imagine the pain that those families must be going through. It does however remind us all of how precious our time is on this earth - we should enjoy each moment we have with our loved ones. My prayers are certainly going out to the families of those girls, my thoughts however will be on enjoying every moment with friends and family.

Happy 3rd of July!