Saturday, October 14, 2006

Winter Rushes In

Over the past two weeks my training has been on target. I also ran in a race in Fairport where I had another PB. All in all it seems to be going pretty well. My long run today was a 7 miler, which I did at an 11:30 pace, my training suggest a 12:06 pace, however I am really feeling a little faster than that so I have adjusted a bit. Next week is an 8 miler, and then a slower week, then we go up to 9 miles. Slowly we are getting to the half marathon distance. With work being so busy, I am really having to make time to get the runs in, but it is worth it. I have also started back on my serious weight watchers program, went and weighed in this morning, 245, not so good. I gained 4.5 pounds in the last 5 weeks. I will get it back off, and then start on the road to 220 by the end of this year. If I get to 220 by the end of the year then I will get to 200 by the Spring of 2007. Sounds good, however got to keep focused on today....

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been to parents weekends at Syracuse and then University of Rochester. They are indeed very different places. Syracuse had less to offer, or it was not as easy to see what was available. However, they did offer a football game in the carrier dome which was fun. We went to dinner on Friday night with Jen and some of our friends from Atlanta who's daughter is going to Syracuse, that was quite nice. We have not seen these folks in 10 years. Used to go to their Christmas party every year where she would make all the desserts for the party, probably 30 - 40 different items. It was always great and they are just really nice people. We then went to a tailgate party with some of Jen's friends and parents. It was great. Jen then came home and spent a couple of days with us. The next weekend was University of Rochester. We took Kathryn to dinner at Bacco's on Park Avenue - great dinner - I had some pasta in a spicy sauce. Then we went to see Drew Carey at the University with the Who's line Is It team. Really funny stuff. On Saturday we went to a couple of interesting sessions, one on world affairs and one on energy. One interesting point, there was also a football game on Saturday at UofR, the session on energy was being held when the game was and I am pretty sure there were more people at the energy session. It was nice to spend time with both the girls.

Linda and are busy staying busy, we are going to Beauty and Beast on stage tonight. I thought that I was finished with the Disney stuff, it never ends. We saw The Departed last night, so so movie. The use of the F word way too much for any movie. Linda is working out more and also has started Weight Watchers again which works great when we both are involved with it. Life is very different without the girls around all the time, but we are getting used to it. Alot less dishes to wash, we probably run the dishwasher a couple of times a week. Less food to buy, really have to learn to buy and cook for two. Laundry is not much different since the girls did their's when they were here.

We did get our first glance at winter this week, it got really cold on night. In fact in Bufallo, they had 22 inches of snow. It is so hard to imagine that less than an hour from here there was that much snow, we had none - knock on wood. Got to go. Will update the training progress soon.