Friday, June 30, 2006

Graduation Day Blessing

I wanted to make sure I kept this prayer in a place where I would not loose it and where it could be shared as well. We had a number of friends over the night of the girls graduation so I spent time thinking about the blessing for dinner that night. I say alone with God and thought about what was most important about that day and the people who were with our family celebrating the event. I also thought about those who could not make it. Well, as usual, God has a way of placing things on your heart for the occasion.

The Graduation Day Blessing

Dear Father

We first thank you for all the blessings that you have given to our family and friends, you truly watch over and protect us and for that we are eternally grateful. We especially want to thank you for this day, a day that Kathryn and Jennifer have been working hard for over the last 12 years. I thank you for watching over them, giving them the sense of caring that you have and most of all for showing yourself to them. I thank you for all the friends and family present and those who were unable to be here, thank you placing them in our lives, but today I especially thank you for putting them in Kathryn and Jennifers life. These are the friends and family who have influenced how Kathryn and Jennifer have grown. Please protect all of those graduates tonight as they celebrate their great accomplishments. Be with all those who have to travel home over the next days.

Bless this food, and bless all those who partake in it. In your son Jesus Christ name we pray.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Graduation is over

The graduation weekend is over - it was great. We had a great time, lots of fun, food and laughs. We had some work done to the back yard for the event, we added a new patio and pergola and took the railing off the deck. It is was really nice when we had the dinner party on the night of the girls graduation.

We were so proud of the girls, they both handled the weekend with class. Now they are out of high school and on to greater things - a new chapter in thier lives is starting. A new chapter in Linda's and my life is also starting, we are so used to having them around. It will be a bit odd when they go off to school.

Running and eating were in the gutter this week so it is probably best that no report on that front is best. I am however starting back to where I ended before the celebration began - running and weight watchers. I also need to get back on track with my reading and bible study. I have been negligent in that area over the past few weeks. Work has not changed that much, we are busy trying to get our heads above water - we are close on a couple of deals that should make life a little easier. We will know more next week after some meetings in New Jersey.

We did get a new computer at the house over the weekend - we converted to iMacs - we are now on the same platform as the girls with thier MacBooks. It is pretty cool - lots to learn and experience. Linda and I went to a one hour intro to Macs tonight.

The goal for this week is 25 miles so we will report when we get through the week - ran a short 3 miler today in 30:30 so the times are getting a little better. Will try to get in a couple of longer runs this weekend. I am running in the Firecracker on the 4th, which is a 5 miler so need to get ready.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Its Graduation Weekend

For 12 years, this weekend has been approaching - the girls graduate from High School, what a wonderful time for them and for us. We are so proud. It is a busy weekend of parties, cermonies, lunches and dinners. We just finished some work on our back yard - we reworked the deck and added a patio, a purgala and some landscaping. It looks great and will accomidate the folks for the parties a bit better. The girls are off to a couple of thier friends parties tonight and they have more tomorrow. Then they graduate at the RIT Fieldhouse on Saturday morning. We are then having a family luncheon at the Woodcliff. Finally on Saturday night we have some of our close friend and family over for dinner. The girls are having another party on July 1st for folks at church as well as thier friends.

They both got thier new laptops a couple of weeks ago that they will be taking to college with them. Linda seems to be holding up pretty well, I have been traveling a great deal over the last 5 weeks. I just got back from a 3 day trip to Phoenix. It looks like I am in town all of next week and then off to New Jersey the night of the 4th.

My running has not been great, I have been getting in 16-18 miles per week. It is just not enough to really get ready for a half marathon. I am planning on picking the pace back up next week. I have however been continuing to lose weight, although a little slower. I was down to 235 last week. Not too bad. I will get back on that track next week as well.

Wanted to report on current activities before it got a bit hectic.