Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Race Day - The Firecracker 5 Mile

Ran in the Firecracker this morning, its a 5 miler in Fairport. Pretty decent time, 51:50, I was looking for under 53 so that was good. It was a pretty difficult course. A few steep hills, mainly uphill versus down. Started on an uphill and the finish line was at the top of a hill. It was raining a bit, fairly nice temp and a little muggy. Glad I got the run in today. Am leaving for New Jersey tonight for a couple of key meetiings tomorrow. It seems that when you leave at might it pretty much takes the day away.

Made the change from my Sony to an Apple over the last couple of weeks, overall went pretty well. Had one major glitch when I was transfering Quicken. I need to get a class on that. The good news is that Linda is pretty understanding of my gliches. Oh well talk later. Happy 4th of July!