Sunday, September 24, 2006

My How Time Flies

It has been nearly a month since my last post, not sure where to start with this one. There has just been a lot of great things happen. First, the girls are both settled into school, have started classes and seem to be getting into a routine. Linda and I have been busy with the move-ins, the parent orientations and now we are getting ready for the parent weekends. It has really been quite fun and exciting. What a joy to see your children reach a new and important point in their lives. It is fascinating how they are now independant.....
Linda and I spent a week in Phoenix at our timeshare and got a little rest and relaxation. Golf and tanning were the order of the days. We met folks from Chicago and Boston who we really had fun with. Bob and Becky also joined us for a couple of days early in the week. It was great for Linda and her sis to have some time to spend together. This was probably the first time we have been with each other when we did not have children with us. This will take some time to get used to.
As far as running and weight - well it has not been the best 2 months for that. Prior to leaving for Phoenix I was at 240, which is not too bad considering. However I think that number probably went up a bit while we were in Phoenix. I have started back on Weight Watchers and will weigh in a couple of weeks. Will report at that time. My new goal is to get to 215-220 by the end of the year. That is going to be about 20 - 25 pounds in 3 months. 2 pounds a week, 12 weeks, 24 pounds. It is doable. My mileage has been low, but I am running at least 3 and mostly 4 days a week. I ran in the Victor 5K and has the best time I have ever had 31:10 (10:03 pace) However we were not timed with chips, so I probably spend 15 seconds getting to the starting line which would put be a tad under 10 was also a race that was pretty much uphill.
I have reset my goal to run a half-marathon and will start training this week. There is a race in Austin at the end of January that fits the training schedule just right. Will keep track of the progress on this blog of something like it. There are a few other raced that I will run this year - the YMCA Turkey Trot, the Race for Grace and the Jingle Bell 5K.
Work has been tough and it looks like my travel scheudule is about to pick up, which is not the best news for the running and eating. However, we will be strong. Jennifer is training for a marathon that she wants to run in Orlando so hopefully she will be able to handle that and school.
Church has been the rock over the summer, we are having one of our better years in terms of stewardship which means we are not constantly juggling to keep afloat. Elders has been interesting, we are starting a bible study of Acts. I have started to teach 2-3 grade Sunday School - today was my first class, I really enjoyed working with the kids. I have a lot to learn but am commited to it - I think it is so important that young children are exposed to God and Jesus early, it gets them started in the right direction.
Thats it for now ---- talk to all later.