Sunday, April 23, 2006

My Best Week This Year

This was my best running week of the year - I was able to log 30.5 miles. My times are also starting to pick up and I am starting to feel a bit more limber when I run. I could stand to stretch a bit more after my runs and started to do some of that this week. The challenge will be next week....
I also weighed in on Saturday and as suspected I gained 3 pounds over the Easter break - not a GOOD thing. Back to the grind - I really feel as though I can get to 230 pretty quickly if I stay focused and keep my mileage up.

Will report soon again.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Highs and Lows

It has been a couple of pretty interesting weeks, one of lows and one of highs. Last week I was in New Jersey and had some pretty intense business meetings, overall they went pretty well. One was especially good and we are hopeful that it will lead to some good things in the short term. However, the road trip killed my running for the week - I ran 9 miles - that is really low. In some ways, I think I needed a little rest from the schedule so it was not really that bad, however, Easter weekend was full of lots of opportunities to eat and eat we did. On Sunday we went to Sunrise service and then had breakfast at church, we then went to an Easter egg hunt, ate deserts there. Then we went to the Varbles for lunch and the traditional egg hunt. Lots of really good foods at that. Finally, we went to the Rileys for but another meal - and of course a little more desert....We ate and ate and ate.

This week was break week and was a bit better - I have already logged in 22.5 miles and have a couple of more days, we got back on weight watchers (hoepfully the weigh in tomorrow won't be too bad). I took the week off and Linda and I did some things around the house, we also went to Syracuse University on Monday with Jen and finalized that decision.

I am so thankful for my family, my friends and really am starting to feel a closeness to God that is changing the way I look at things in general. I am in the process of reading a book by Desmond Tutu - God Has A Dream - it has helped to ground me on what is important. I would suggest it to young teens, adults, etc.

Next week I go back to work and am facing a number of challenges, not the least is we about to run out of money. We have a couple of deals that can pull it out that are lined up. Need to evaluate what we need to do to make them happen. Cannot afford to miss anything at this point. I am also going to really stay more with my eating and am going to supercharge my training. Will report in mid week....

Thursday, April 06, 2006

An Early April Update

It has been a while since I have posted on the Blog - it has however been good on the running and weight loss front. I have been averaging 26 miles per week for the past month, my times are starting to come down. I am really starting to feel good and require less time to recover. I have started to press a little harder on the speedwork and tempo days. My long runs are between 9 and 11 miles. I am planning on adding hills this weekend.
My weight is down to 243 which I think is really helping my runs. Most of my clothes no longer fit so I am replacing a small number of them. It is starting to feel really good. Much of this has also been helped by the fact I am not drinking at all - I am also spending more time in prayer. This at a time when work is really difficult - it is truely important to stay fit at all times, especially as preasure builds. Overall, I have absolutely no room to complain and do not intend to. God has been extremely good to me and the family. We have our health, we have sufficient means, abundant by most standards.
The girls have chosen thier schools, Kathryn is going to University of Rochester and Jennifer to Syracuse. Who would have thought that they would have chosen schools so close to home. I am really glad that they are not going to far away - I really enjoy thier company....
This weekend is Linda's birthday - we have to do something special.... Oh well, will try to get more later.