Sunday, December 31, 2006

The start of a New Year

This year has been one of the best running years I have enjoyed. My mileage is getting to a respectable point. It looks as though I will be able to complete the upcoming half-marathon in February with a good time. I did not end the year with a weight I am happy with, but I am lower then I was at this time last year. I hit many of the goals as far as times for races. Under a 10 min mile for the 5K, pretty close for the 10K. Good time at the Turkey this year. All in all a good year running.

Other things have been good as well. Getting the girls in college and through their first semester was really big. They both survived, they both like their schools and the roomates were good.

Work was a challenge, this is one area where I have a great deal of room for improvement. We had a tough year but it looks like 07 will be good. For me personally, I have lost something at work that I will work to regain.

Being empty nesters has proven to be great! I really enjoy spending time with Linda and I think we will find things that we can start to do together that will be great.

As far as resolutions, I only have one: I am going to strive to being so judgemenatal - in our mens group yesterday, our minister said that he was really glad that God is going to be the one judging folks - it takes a lot of preasure off us. We can spend our time loving people - that is my resolution. During my long run yesterday, I spent a great deal of time thinking about the way I judge people and what I realized is that my judgement of folks is my attempt to cover up my own flaws or to make me fell better about my flaws - and I have many. Not sure how I am going to do this, but I am now aware of it and at least can face up to it.

2007 will be a great year...........

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Half Marathon is Set

I thought a picture of the tree might be in order, the only problem is that we have not finished decorating it yet. We were waiting for the girls to finish thier exams and to get home. Should get to that in the next day or so.
I finally signed up for my first half marathon - the date is February 18th and the location is Austin, Texas. Check out the details at the official web site on my front page. Linda and I are both going to Austin and will use the time to visit family and have a great time. I am ready for the race, I ran 11 miles last weekend in 2:06 which was a really good time for me. I had planned on running the race at the end of January and my training is geared to that time frame so I will have to augment for a couple of weeks. My plan is to work on my weight in January and February which should help me with my time. I will also concentrate on speed work a bit more (looking our for injury of course). I am really excited about doing this, I have never made it to this point in my training and am confident that the race will be great. Of course there will be a number of challenges when I get to Austin. I have to avoid the Mexican food on Friday, can's have BBQ either- or at least until after the run and I can't drink either. So with that I am trying to figure out how I will do all that on Sunday night after the race. I am planning on a 2:15 race time which is pretty aggresive. It will depend on the weight loss and the rest of my training.

Other then that things are really going well. Today, both of the girls will officially be finished wiht their first semester of school - hard to beleive. Syracuse let out last week, University of Rochester finished today. We are really excited about having the girls home for the holidays. We also know that they will spend less time with us this year, but we will take what we can get. We could not be prouder of both of them, they really worked hard and it would seem that they will continue to do so.

This Chrismas also brings for Linda and I a renewed focus on what we can to to help others. As I look around, there are so many in need - and what we take granted for, they view as a gift. I suspect this will be the last year for exchanging gifts between ourselves, instead we are going to find ways to get that money we would spend to others who need it more. I would hope that any reading this blog would consider the same. This year, I found a 17 year old boy who had asked for basic items for Christmas, such as shampoo, deoderant, shaving lotion, tooth brush and paste, etc... It is so little to give but it means so much. There is so much we can all do if we just start doing it.

We had our Christmas pageant at church last Sunday with the Sunday school kids, what a great job they all did. When we practiced on Saturday, you would have thought that there was no way they would pull it off. The kids stepped up for thier parents though and they were terrific. It was amazing to look at the faces of the parents and grandparents as thier kids were up there. It reminded me of the many times we watched the girls. Those are memories that can never be taken away. I suppose those are the same memories our parents have of us. It's pretty awesome to think about.

Enough said about that.

No snow yet in Upstate NY, in fact it has been really warm here. We are hoping for some snow soon, but it does not look good. Perhaps after the New Year.

Have a Merry Christmas... Dan

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Winter is about to arrive!

It looks like we are going to start our winter a little late - it has been perfect weather. Warm, in the 60s, sunny and no wind. That is all about to end - tomorrow will start at 50 and sink to 30 pretty fast. It was really nice to have this extended time so we have no complaints.

Running has been good this week so far, I do have my 10 miler this Saturday and I think it will be just fine. I have been watching my eating so I think I will have a few less pounds to carry on Saturday.

The girls are back at school and we are back to our empty nesting. Linda and I have been busy this week, so we have not had a lot of time together. We will this weekend. We are going to paint the office and get it ready for some new carpet we are putting in. We are also going to probably start to get ready for Christmas, we have not done any decorating whatsoever. Hopefully, the snow will get us in the spirit.

This week I may try to weigh in to see where I am, if I do I will report on it when I get the long run time logged in. Will update soon.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving - we have so much to be thankful for, we have our freedoms, we have the liberty to achieve what we are willing to reach for, it does not get much better then that. Today was a special day in our house, it was our first Thanksgiving where the kids came home for college. It was a little different in a nice kind of way.

We started out early this morning with the Race for Grace 10K - 9:00 am is a bit early for the girls, but they got up and we all ran the race. The weather was perfect, sunny, no wind and around 40. I ran it is 1:04:04 which is a time I was pleased with. The girls ran it in around 1:01. We then all came home had a bite to eat and then got ready to go to the movie. We went to Casino Royale, the new James Bond movie. Linda and I thought it was pretty good, the girls thought it was so so.

We got back to the house and finished up the turkey and fixins for dinner. We all ate just about the right amount. Got to watch the Cowboys finish off Tampa Bay and then relax and take it easy. The perfect Thanksgiving Day!

The rest of the weekend is action packed with a little early morning shopping and then a decision on the Christmas decorations - are we going to put them up this weekend or a little later.....

More to come.

Next week is going to be a tough week of training, I have to get back on the miles. I think I jump to 23 or 24 miles next week. I also need to see if I can take a little of the turkey weight off. Will report in next weekend.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Its getting closer

We are now a couple of days away from Thanksgiving and we had our first dusting of snow this morning. Does not look like it is going to hang around, supposed to be 60 on Thursday.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hard to believe its been over a Month!

Wow, time is flying - things are going pretty well. Today was the YMCA Turkey Trot 5 Miler. I have run this for many years, did not run it last year. I ran it in 50:54 which is really good. I was aiming for 52:30. Thursday is Thanksgiving which means it is time for the Race for Grace 10K. Jen, Kathryn and I are all going to run it. It really helps to get this one in before pigging out on Turkey and dressing.

Work is busy, my training for the half marathon is going well. I am getting my long runs in, it was a 9 mile run this week. Next week is a low mileage week and then the week after I pick my miles up again - the long run is 10 miles. I am looking at 2 races right now. The one in Austin is later this year, which is not great. There is one in Miami in early February that looks like it might work. Linda and I will make a long weekend out of it.

Check the links to both:
Miami -
Austin -

Will have a press release out on some happenings at the company in a bit, so get ready. We have finalized a really important partnership with a firm out of Albany, NY.

The girls will both be home this week for Turkey Day so we are already preparing - stocking the fridge and getting lots of goodies. We have not had to grocery shop this much in some time. We are both really excited about the fact that we are going to have them home for a few days. Even if we do not see alot of them, there presence will be felt.

Just finished A Shining Lie, which is a book about John Vann in Vietnam - I have not read a great deal on Vietnam, it was really good to get a better understanding of that time. One thing that I have heard my whole life is how that war was run by the politicians. After reading this book, it seems that the generals ran it first and totally messed it up. Westmoreland wanted to win the war by adding more men. It was not until he had a couple of complete failures that the politians quit giving him more men. Of course, once the politicians took over and they replaced Westmoreland, it was not better. Perhaps the answer is not to have a war at all. I also finished Barack Abama's book, The Audacity of Hope. It would be hard not to agree with many of his points. There were times when I felt the book was big on hope with not real substance. Of course, I am a big West Wing fan because everyone would like the country to be run like Jedd Bartlett ran the country - Barack is a bit like Jedd. I truely hope that he makes a difference and can lift everyone up to talk in greater detail and less in one line snippets to be picked up on CNN. I have a couple of real zingers lined up to read next. The one topic that I am starting to find interesting it the whole topic of the Evangelics - I need to see if I can seperate what the GOP and CNN have done to that movement from what that movement really is - going back to its roots will be a good start.

Ill try to update a bit more often.

Found a new verse that I really liked recently:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.- Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Winter Rushes In

Over the past two weeks my training has been on target. I also ran in a race in Fairport where I had another PB. All in all it seems to be going pretty well. My long run today was a 7 miler, which I did at an 11:30 pace, my training suggest a 12:06 pace, however I am really feeling a little faster than that so I have adjusted a bit. Next week is an 8 miler, and then a slower week, then we go up to 9 miles. Slowly we are getting to the half marathon distance. With work being so busy, I am really having to make time to get the runs in, but it is worth it. I have also started back on my serious weight watchers program, went and weighed in this morning, 245, not so good. I gained 4.5 pounds in the last 5 weeks. I will get it back off, and then start on the road to 220 by the end of this year. If I get to 220 by the end of the year then I will get to 200 by the Spring of 2007. Sounds good, however got to keep focused on today....

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been to parents weekends at Syracuse and then University of Rochester. They are indeed very different places. Syracuse had less to offer, or it was not as easy to see what was available. However, they did offer a football game in the carrier dome which was fun. We went to dinner on Friday night with Jen and some of our friends from Atlanta who's daughter is going to Syracuse, that was quite nice. We have not seen these folks in 10 years. Used to go to their Christmas party every year where she would make all the desserts for the party, probably 30 - 40 different items. It was always great and they are just really nice people. We then went to a tailgate party with some of Jen's friends and parents. It was great. Jen then came home and spent a couple of days with us. The next weekend was University of Rochester. We took Kathryn to dinner at Bacco's on Park Avenue - great dinner - I had some pasta in a spicy sauce. Then we went to see Drew Carey at the University with the Who's line Is It team. Really funny stuff. On Saturday we went to a couple of interesting sessions, one on world affairs and one on energy. One interesting point, there was also a football game on Saturday at UofR, the session on energy was being held when the game was and I am pretty sure there were more people at the energy session. It was nice to spend time with both the girls.

Linda and are busy staying busy, we are going to Beauty and Beast on stage tonight. I thought that I was finished with the Disney stuff, it never ends. We saw The Departed last night, so so movie. The use of the F word way too much for any movie. Linda is working out more and also has started Weight Watchers again which works great when we both are involved with it. Life is very different without the girls around all the time, but we are getting used to it. Alot less dishes to wash, we probably run the dishwasher a couple of times a week. Less food to buy, really have to learn to buy and cook for two. Laundry is not much different since the girls did their's when they were here.

We did get our first glance at winter this week, it got really cold on night. In fact in Bufallo, they had 22 inches of snow. It is so hard to imagine that less than an hour from here there was that much snow, we had none - knock on wood. Got to go. Will update the training progress soon.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

My How Time Flies

It has been nearly a month since my last post, not sure where to start with this one. There has just been a lot of great things happen. First, the girls are both settled into school, have started classes and seem to be getting into a routine. Linda and I have been busy with the move-ins, the parent orientations and now we are getting ready for the parent weekends. It has really been quite fun and exciting. What a joy to see your children reach a new and important point in their lives. It is fascinating how they are now independant.....
Linda and I spent a week in Phoenix at our timeshare and got a little rest and relaxation. Golf and tanning were the order of the days. We met folks from Chicago and Boston who we really had fun with. Bob and Becky also joined us for a couple of days early in the week. It was great for Linda and her sis to have some time to spend together. This was probably the first time we have been with each other when we did not have children with us. This will take some time to get used to.
As far as running and weight - well it has not been the best 2 months for that. Prior to leaving for Phoenix I was at 240, which is not too bad considering. However I think that number probably went up a bit while we were in Phoenix. I have started back on Weight Watchers and will weigh in a couple of weeks. Will report at that time. My new goal is to get to 215-220 by the end of the year. That is going to be about 20 - 25 pounds in 3 months. 2 pounds a week, 12 weeks, 24 pounds. It is doable. My mileage has been low, but I am running at least 3 and mostly 4 days a week. I ran in the Victor 5K and has the best time I have ever had 31:10 (10:03 pace) However we were not timed with chips, so I probably spend 15 seconds getting to the starting line which would put be a tad under 10 was also a race that was pretty much uphill.
I have reset my goal to run a half-marathon and will start training this week. There is a race in Austin at the end of January that fits the training schedule just right. Will keep track of the progress on this blog of something like it. There are a few other raced that I will run this year - the YMCA Turkey Trot, the Race for Grace and the Jingle Bell 5K.
Work has been tough and it looks like my travel scheudule is about to pick up, which is not the best news for the running and eating. However, we will be strong. Jennifer is training for a marathon that she wants to run in Orlando so hopefully she will be able to handle that and school.
Church has been the rock over the summer, we are having one of our better years in terms of stewardship which means we are not constantly juggling to keep afloat. Elders has been interesting, we are starting a bible study of Acts. I have started to teach 2-3 grade Sunday School - today was my first class, I really enjoyed working with the kids. I have a lot to learn but am commited to it - I think it is so important that young children are exposed to God and Jesus early, it gets them started in the right direction.
Thats it for now ---- talk to all later.

Monday, August 14, 2006

A Whirlwind

Wow, I just looked back and it has been over a month since I made a posting to the blog. Not really surprised with all that has been going on. Graduations, celebrations, vacations and now preparing for the girls first day of school. I would like to say that I have been keeping my wieght down and that I have been running on a regular schedule but I cannot. I have gained 6 pounds and my running has been OK. I have kept my mileage up but with littel purpose.

Last week I did start a training program for the half marathon. First week was pretty good. A little tired but overall not too bad. If I can get the eatra weight off it will help so this week I have started to get a bit more serious about sticking ith weight watchers.

However, with all that, one must know that the girls will be leaving for school over the next weeks and it is starting to get a little tense around - not a bad tension just some tension. Linda and I are starting to feel like empty nesters already and it is a different.

I will start to report more frequently as we get the girls off to school.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Race Day - The Firecracker 5 Mile

Ran in the Firecracker this morning, its a 5 miler in Fairport. Pretty decent time, 51:50, I was looking for under 53 so that was good. It was a pretty difficult course. A few steep hills, mainly uphill versus down. Started on an uphill and the finish line was at the top of a hill. It was raining a bit, fairly nice temp and a little muggy. Glad I got the run in today. Am leaving for New Jersey tonight for a couple of key meetiings tomorrow. It seems that when you leave at might it pretty much takes the day away.

Made the change from my Sony to an Apple over the last couple of weeks, overall went pretty well. Had one major glitch when I was transfering Quicken. I need to get a class on that. The good news is that Linda is pretty understanding of my gliches. Oh well talk later. Happy 4th of July!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Graduation Day Blessing

I wanted to make sure I kept this prayer in a place where I would not loose it and where it could be shared as well. We had a number of friends over the night of the girls graduation so I spent time thinking about the blessing for dinner that night. I say alone with God and thought about what was most important about that day and the people who were with our family celebrating the event. I also thought about those who could not make it. Well, as usual, God has a way of placing things on your heart for the occasion.

The Graduation Day Blessing

Dear Father

We first thank you for all the blessings that you have given to our family and friends, you truly watch over and protect us and for that we are eternally grateful. We especially want to thank you for this day, a day that Kathryn and Jennifer have been working hard for over the last 12 years. I thank you for watching over them, giving them the sense of caring that you have and most of all for showing yourself to them. I thank you for all the friends and family present and those who were unable to be here, thank you placing them in our lives, but today I especially thank you for putting them in Kathryn and Jennifers life. These are the friends and family who have influenced how Kathryn and Jennifer have grown. Please protect all of those graduates tonight as they celebrate their great accomplishments. Be with all those who have to travel home over the next days.

Bless this food, and bless all those who partake in it. In your son Jesus Christ name we pray.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Graduation is over

The graduation weekend is over - it was great. We had a great time, lots of fun, food and laughs. We had some work done to the back yard for the event, we added a new patio and pergola and took the railing off the deck. It is was really nice when we had the dinner party on the night of the girls graduation.

We were so proud of the girls, they both handled the weekend with class. Now they are out of high school and on to greater things - a new chapter in thier lives is starting. A new chapter in Linda's and my life is also starting, we are so used to having them around. It will be a bit odd when they go off to school.

Running and eating were in the gutter this week so it is probably best that no report on that front is best. I am however starting back to where I ended before the celebration began - running and weight watchers. I also need to get back on track with my reading and bible study. I have been negligent in that area over the past few weeks. Work has not changed that much, we are busy trying to get our heads above water - we are close on a couple of deals that should make life a little easier. We will know more next week after some meetings in New Jersey.

We did get a new computer at the house over the weekend - we converted to iMacs - we are now on the same platform as the girls with thier MacBooks. It is pretty cool - lots to learn and experience. Linda and I went to a one hour intro to Macs tonight.

The goal for this week is 25 miles so we will report when we get through the week - ran a short 3 miler today in 30:30 so the times are getting a little better. Will try to get in a couple of longer runs this weekend. I am running in the Firecracker on the 4th, which is a 5 miler so need to get ready.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Its Graduation Weekend

For 12 years, this weekend has been approaching - the girls graduate from High School, what a wonderful time for them and for us. We are so proud. It is a busy weekend of parties, cermonies, lunches and dinners. We just finished some work on our back yard - we reworked the deck and added a patio, a purgala and some landscaping. It looks great and will accomidate the folks for the parties a bit better. The girls are off to a couple of thier friends parties tonight and they have more tomorrow. Then they graduate at the RIT Fieldhouse on Saturday morning. We are then having a family luncheon at the Woodcliff. Finally on Saturday night we have some of our close friend and family over for dinner. The girls are having another party on July 1st for folks at church as well as thier friends.

They both got thier new laptops a couple of weeks ago that they will be taking to college with them. Linda seems to be holding up pretty well, I have been traveling a great deal over the last 5 weeks. I just got back from a 3 day trip to Phoenix. It looks like I am in town all of next week and then off to New Jersey the night of the 4th.

My running has not been great, I have been getting in 16-18 miles per week. It is just not enough to really get ready for a half marathon. I am planning on picking the pace back up next week. I have however been continuing to lose weight, although a little slower. I was down to 235 last week. Not too bad. I will get back on that track next week as well.

Wanted to report on current activities before it got a bit hectic.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Race is Over - The ride home

We are on the way home and I thought I would provide a quick update on the relay this weekend in Burlington, VT. We drove up yesterday, got into town around 1:30, got registered for the race and then went to Church St. to do a little shopping. For those that have not been to Burligton VT, Church St. is a really nice outdoor shopping, eating and just fun place. Nice stores and nice restaurants.

We then had dinner at Uno Pizzaria and then went to the lake front which was beautiful. I will try to get some pictures up later.

Got back to the hotel and got to bed early.

Jennifer and I got up at 5:55 am to catch the bus to the starting area. Matthew and Kathryn caught the bus that was about 45 minutes later. The race started at 8:05, Jennifer had the first 2 legs which totaled about 8.5 miles. Matthew took the third leg, which was about 6.5 miles. I had the fourth leg, which was about 5.6 miles and Kathryn had the last leg which was about 5.4 miles. We finished around 4 hours, 25 minutes total time for the team. (Official results will be available on the web site and I will update) All in all, everyone did really well and our times were good.

Linda and Angie were able to get to the race area and see most of us at least sweat a little. It was hot - aout 82ish when I ran.

More to come when I have time and more specifics. Really makes the half marathon a reality.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Big Relay

It is a couple of days before the big relay in Vermont and it seems as though the team is just not ready. I had planned to have a couple of really good weeks of running to get into peak shape. Well as fate would have it, the Monday after the proms, I started on a five miler and really put the peddle to the metal and bruised my hamstring. Over the past couple of weeks I have been resting it and only doing short slow runs. It seems to be ready for the relay, however, I do not feel 100% so I will probably hold back - do not want any permanant demage. Jennifer has really not been on her marathon training so she is not at peak. Kathyrn will be OK but she has been playing softball so she has not been running any longer distances. Finally, Matthew has been nursing an injury all year and thinks he is healthy, however he has not been running most of the season. The good news is that we are doing it for fun and a "roadtrip". We are leaving tomorrow and returning Sunday night. Linda got a new van, Honda Odyssey so we at least get to ride in luxery. It should be fun.

Kathryn finished her softball career up last night. The team lost to Sutherland in the second round of tournament play. The team and Kathryn had a good year. While we all enjoyed the 8 years of many softball games, we are ready for the next phase of life for the girls and us.

We are having some work done on our back yard, new patio, trees and deck so that we can spend more time out there. We are hoping it gets completed prior to the girls graduation. Work continues to be a challenge, we laid off 4 people this week which is very difficult. It really puts a great deal of stress on everyone. I let 2 go and they were the most difficult meetings I have had in years. We still have a number of challenges ahead of us for the next few months, however, I am confident that we will come out of it and get to the next level. I could write a book on the road traveled with this venture.

Will report on the events of the relay in Vermont upon our return.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

It's Prom Day at the House

It is Senior Prom day and the house is buzzing with activity. Kathryn had practice this morning, Jen and I went out for a run and Linda was putting the finishing touches on the after prom party. The girls, including mom, then went to the tanning booth. Jen and Kathryn are now off to get thier hair done, make-up and whatever else one must to do get ready for the prom. It is exciting, this is the start of the end of high school for them. They have worked hard this year and now it is time to kick back a little and enjoy. The next phase of thier lives is going to be starting soon.

We are all getting ready for the relay we are going to be running in Vermont in 2 weeks. Actually, I am not sure that the girls or Matthew are really ready. Matthew has been hurt a great deal of the running season and the girls have not really been training. We all have short legs in the relay so we should all do fine.

I took it easy this week in terms of both running and eating..... I needed a little break. I am however going to kick it for the next two weeks. Going to get my weight down 5 pounds and get 28 miles in next week and then 15 on the week of the race. My speeds are in pretty good shape and I am feeling good during my runs so I am confident that I will be ready for the week.

Well, off to the rest of the day - Linda and I are chaparons at the after prom safe celebration tonight so a little nap is probably in order for the day.

I am going to report of the daily progress over the next week or so to get some focus going. See you tomorrow.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Turning up the Heat

The weather has really taken a turn for the better - we are starting to see 60 and 70s for our highs. It really helps the running, takes a lot less time to warm the body up. A pretty good week last week, got in a 10 miler in under 2 hours. Weighed in on Saturday and am back down, 239.5 - dropped 5.5 pounds. First time I can remember being uncer 240 in forever......

Need to stay focused all of it longer - once I hit 230, I will set the next goal - not sure what it will be yet. The running and the healthy eating have really helped keep the stress of work in check. We are definantly in a lag until one of the deals hits - this is the part of dealing with large companies that makes you crazy - not enough pipeline, not enough customers, too long of a cycle, you name it and it is part of what we do. However, when you win, you win big and really make a difference for your customer. Stay positive and stay focused.

The girls are doing great - schools have been chosen and the AP exams are under way. After they get there exams done, they can start to enjoy thier last year of high school. What a great time for them.

On a final note, I met with the Mens group we have at church and we all agreed that there seems to be a great deal of negative stuff being presented all the time. Sometimes it feels as though there is nothing you can do. Well, one thing we agreed is that we have to make small differences every day and not try to solve it all at once. I am thinking about starting another blog to just make mention of all the great things people are doing to help other people in this world. WE ALL NEED TO HEAR GOOD NEWS because there is a lot to go around.

We will see how it goes.....

Sunday, April 23, 2006

My Best Week This Year

This was my best running week of the year - I was able to log 30.5 miles. My times are also starting to pick up and I am starting to feel a bit more limber when I run. I could stand to stretch a bit more after my runs and started to do some of that this week. The challenge will be next week....
I also weighed in on Saturday and as suspected I gained 3 pounds over the Easter break - not a GOOD thing. Back to the grind - I really feel as though I can get to 230 pretty quickly if I stay focused and keep my mileage up.

Will report soon again.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Highs and Lows

It has been a couple of pretty interesting weeks, one of lows and one of highs. Last week I was in New Jersey and had some pretty intense business meetings, overall they went pretty well. One was especially good and we are hopeful that it will lead to some good things in the short term. However, the road trip killed my running for the week - I ran 9 miles - that is really low. In some ways, I think I needed a little rest from the schedule so it was not really that bad, however, Easter weekend was full of lots of opportunities to eat and eat we did. On Sunday we went to Sunrise service and then had breakfast at church, we then went to an Easter egg hunt, ate deserts there. Then we went to the Varbles for lunch and the traditional egg hunt. Lots of really good foods at that. Finally, we went to the Rileys for but another meal - and of course a little more desert....We ate and ate and ate.

This week was break week and was a bit better - I have already logged in 22.5 miles and have a couple of more days, we got back on weight watchers (hoepfully the weigh in tomorrow won't be too bad). I took the week off and Linda and I did some things around the house, we also went to Syracuse University on Monday with Jen and finalized that decision.

I am so thankful for my family, my friends and really am starting to feel a closeness to God that is changing the way I look at things in general. I am in the process of reading a book by Desmond Tutu - God Has A Dream - it has helped to ground me on what is important. I would suggest it to young teens, adults, etc.

Next week I go back to work and am facing a number of challenges, not the least is we about to run out of money. We have a couple of deals that can pull it out that are lined up. Need to evaluate what we need to do to make them happen. Cannot afford to miss anything at this point. I am also going to really stay more with my eating and am going to supercharge my training. Will report in mid week....

Thursday, April 06, 2006

An Early April Update

It has been a while since I have posted on the Blog - it has however been good on the running and weight loss front. I have been averaging 26 miles per week for the past month, my times are starting to come down. I am really starting to feel good and require less time to recover. I have started to press a little harder on the speedwork and tempo days. My long runs are between 9 and 11 miles. I am planning on adding hills this weekend.
My weight is down to 243 which I think is really helping my runs. Most of my clothes no longer fit so I am replacing a small number of them. It is starting to feel really good. Much of this has also been helped by the fact I am not drinking at all - I am also spending more time in prayer. This at a time when work is really difficult - it is truely important to stay fit at all times, especially as preasure builds. Overall, I have absolutely no room to complain and do not intend to. God has been extremely good to me and the family. We have our health, we have sufficient means, abundant by most standards.
The girls have chosen thier schools, Kathryn is going to University of Rochester and Jennifer to Syracuse. Who would have thought that they would have chosen schools so close to home. I am really glad that they are not going to far away - I really enjoy thier company....
This weekend is Linda's birthday - we have to do something special.... Oh well, will try to get more later.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Most Excellent Week

This was one of the better weeks for my running. It started on Saturday with a 5 mile St. Patty's day run downtown. My time was 52 minutes which is better than I think I have done in the past. The weather was perfect - 50 and no wind. The course was flat....

During the week I started to add in speed work (had to run on the treadmill due to weather) then I added Tempo runs into the mix. Finally on Saturday, I topped off the week with a 10.5 mile long run - that is the longest ever for me. It took 2 hours and 5 minutes, but I ran the entire time. I was planning on 9 but felt good and decided to jump off the canal at a later point. I am also down to 247 so the runs and weight loss are starting to feed off each other. This is a critical point, it is really east for me to start to slack off about now. In fact, the past would show that, not this time. Whatever comes along, other then family health issues, is not going to deter me from getting to 230 and to running the half in San Diego and probably Rochester.

Jennifer and Kathryn had thier wisdom teeth taken out yesterday so they have been kicking around the house for a couple of days. It went well and they are starting to feel better. Linda has dropped about 10 pounds and is staying a little flat right now. She has however started to really increase her workouts so she is feeling pretty good.

Next week is the official start of my half-marathon training program. I am going to really be focused on improving my time. I would like to run 11 minute miles in San Diego, right now it looks like I am running about 11.55's so there is some work to do...

Talk to you later.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Luck of the Irish

Today was the annual running of the green in Rochester. It is a pretty flat 5 mile fun run. My time was really good - 51.42 (I was hoping to do under 55) Last week I ran 21 miles, this week I was able to get in an 8 miler while I was in Phoenix and then another 4 miler prior to the race. My mileage is moving up nicely and my times seem to be following. The weight is down to 249 - 2.5 more and I will be at my first goal. I will make that goal this week.

The weather was perfect for the race today, it was probably 50 at race time, sunny and no wind - conditions really helped the time. My first and last miles were the fastest and within a couple of seconds of each other. I was glad to see I left a little for the end. I am going to be in town all week this week so I am probably going to hit a yoga session, I really need to focus a bit on flexability and yoga is the best for that.

Jennifer got into Syracuse this week, that was the best news of all. Kathryn has been accepted into University of Rochester so they both have schools they would be happy with.

Jennifers training is ongoing for the marathon - she has a monster 12 miler next week.

Oh well, will talk later.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Is winter here for a while!

It looks like we will really have a pretty tame winter this year - it is finally starting to get cold, but there is very little snow. It is also starting to stay lighter later, which is of course a great sign of things to come.

My running has been going well, I started to get a 6 miler in during the week and have been focused on my speed on shorter runs. Overall feel pretty good at this point, next week I plan to get to the 7 mile mark and then add a mile per week to my long runs until I get to 13 mile long runs. I lost 6 pounds this week, did not really do anything different, just really watched what I ate and got my mileage in. I am at 251.5, my first goal is 246 which is 1 pound less than the lowest I have ever been on weight watchers. Looks like 5.5 pounds and counting. I have stopped drinking any alchohol and have really tried to keep a positive focus on things.

Jen is going for her 9 mile run today, we will see how she holds up. Linda's workouts are going well and she is also at her lowest weight in ten years.

Will talk to you later.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Winter is finally here!

Well, winter has finally made its way to Upstate New York, although it is not roaring, it is just slipping in. This is the first week we have had snow on the ground for more then a day or so. It has also been colder. However, I got out today for a run, and it was really nice. It was about 22 but there was no wind and the roads were clear. The running is going pretty good, this week I got my first 6 mile run in on Monday. It was great to get past the 5 mile wall. (more mental than anything) My weight is still going down which is really helping. (256 today)

Jennifer started her marathon training and had a 7 mile run today. Kathryn, Jen, Matthew and I signed up for the relay at the Vermont Marathon in May.

All is going pretty welll, work is not a lot of fun right now, but things have a way of working out. Linda is great, she is also loosing a little weight at this time and you can tell.

Will keep posting as time permits.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

First Race of "06"

Well, a milestone of sorts yesterday, I ran my first race for "06". This is highly unusual for me, I typically stop running in December, lay low in the winter and then spend a few weeks getting back to a point where I can run. This year is going to be different. I am going to train in the winter so that I am ready when spring gets around.

Yesterday I ran a 5K in 33:30 - my average pace was around 10:45 which is OK considering I have not been really running. The weather was pretty good for this time of year, it was 34 and sleeting with a pretty good wind. I ran with Matthew who ran the same race last year - he said it was about 10 and snow last year so this year was a breeze.

Overall, training is going well. I am going to run one more week at what I have been doing and then I am going to start to step up the mileage..

Eating has been OK, not great. I have not been as firm as I need to be to get the weight down. I am however going to keep at it every day.

Off to NJ in the morning for a couple of days on biz....


Saturday, January 07, 2006

A Pretty Good Start

It's been four days and we have stayed the course really well. Running, strength training, and eating right. Have a long run tomorrow, will probably try to get in 5 miles. Will probably weigh in on Tuesday morning. Got to keep a positive attitude and make sure I track the progress. Hopefully, Ill be able to get out and run on the canal versus on the treadmill, it looks like the weather will permit. My GPS system has not been working well so it may be time to update it. If I get a new one, I am going to get it with the data collection software.

Jennifer and I have pretty much decided to run in San Diego in June...She is going to run the full marathon and I am going to run the half. It is really tough to make this commitment, her training will be really difficult and I want to encourage her by meeting my obligation to run the half. My history is not good however on following through. It would be great for both of us. I am really going to pray about this often.

Well, Ill make an update later.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New Year - 2006

I love the new year, it always brings new hopes, goals and of course resolutions. I put on some weight in late 2005 which is really evident when I run. The strain on the knees and body are really incredible. So I have really set some goals for myself this year that have to do with weight and running. First, I want to get to 225 this year. That should allow me to run in a half marathon San Diego in June with Jennifer. We have registered for the lottery in the Vermont relay marathon (Jen, Kathryn and Matthew and myself) for May.
I would also like to get to 10 minute miles in a 10K this year. That would really be sweet. Finally, I am planning on continuing my strength training with Pam at one day a week as long as $$$ permit. I find it to be a nice addition to the running schedule.
There are two critical things that have to occur for this to work. I have to keep balance at work and church. I cannot drink for an extended period of time and I cannot get stressed over what is working and not working. (I find myself worrying over things that are out of my control)
It has been a good start to the year. I started running last week, 3 - 3mile days and then a 4 miler with a strength training day. I have run 2- 3milers thus far this week and am planning on another and then a 5 miler this weekend. My strength training is on Friday.
I also started weight watchers and have been on the path for two whole days. Does'nt sound like a lot but it is a start. My weight was 268 on Tuesday..... Will check in later this week with good news....