Sunday, January 15, 2006

First Race of "06"

Well, a milestone of sorts yesterday, I ran my first race for "06". This is highly unusual for me, I typically stop running in December, lay low in the winter and then spend a few weeks getting back to a point where I can run. This year is going to be different. I am going to train in the winter so that I am ready when spring gets around.

Yesterday I ran a 5K in 33:30 - my average pace was around 10:45 which is OK considering I have not been really running. The weather was pretty good for this time of year, it was 34 and sleeting with a pretty good wind. I ran with Matthew who ran the same race last year - he said it was about 10 and snow last year so this year was a breeze.

Overall, training is going well. I am going to run one more week at what I have been doing and then I am going to start to step up the mileage..

Eating has been OK, not great. I have not been as firm as I need to be to get the weight down. I am however going to keep at it every day.

Off to NJ in the morning for a couple of days on biz....


Saturday, January 07, 2006

A Pretty Good Start

It's been four days and we have stayed the course really well. Running, strength training, and eating right. Have a long run tomorrow, will probably try to get in 5 miles. Will probably weigh in on Tuesday morning. Got to keep a positive attitude and make sure I track the progress. Hopefully, Ill be able to get out and run on the canal versus on the treadmill, it looks like the weather will permit. My GPS system has not been working well so it may be time to update it. If I get a new one, I am going to get it with the data collection software.

Jennifer and I have pretty much decided to run in San Diego in June...She is going to run the full marathon and I am going to run the half. It is really tough to make this commitment, her training will be really difficult and I want to encourage her by meeting my obligation to run the half. My history is not good however on following through. It would be great for both of us. I am really going to pray about this often.

Well, Ill make an update later.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New Year - 2006

I love the new year, it always brings new hopes, goals and of course resolutions. I put on some weight in late 2005 which is really evident when I run. The strain on the knees and body are really incredible. So I have really set some goals for myself this year that have to do with weight and running. First, I want to get to 225 this year. That should allow me to run in a half marathon San Diego in June with Jennifer. We have registered for the lottery in the Vermont relay marathon (Jen, Kathryn and Matthew and myself) for May.
I would also like to get to 10 minute miles in a 10K this year. That would really be sweet. Finally, I am planning on continuing my strength training with Pam at one day a week as long as $$$ permit. I find it to be a nice addition to the running schedule.
There are two critical things that have to occur for this to work. I have to keep balance at work and church. I cannot drink for an extended period of time and I cannot get stressed over what is working and not working. (I find myself worrying over things that are out of my control)
It has been a good start to the year. I started running last week, 3 - 3mile days and then a 4 miler with a strength training day. I have run 2- 3milers thus far this week and am planning on another and then a 5 miler this weekend. My strength training is on Friday.
I also started weight watchers and have been on the path for two whole days. Does'nt sound like a lot but it is a start. My weight was 268 on Tuesday..... Will check in later this week with good news....