Sunday, August 14, 2011

We are made in the image of God.

We started a series at church called "fan or follower" a couple of weeks ago. It has made me think more about my priorities and areas where I need to focus. I have always used my running to spend time with God which should be a priority. Of course the less I run the less time I spend with God - funny how that works. The less time I spend with God, the less time on focus on others and the more time I focus on me.
Today I was able to get out and get a run in. Earlier in the day I had read a post on facebook from a friend who was reflecting on being more like Christ. As I was running I thought long and hard about that question. When I think of being like Christ, I think most frequently of the Golden Rule - treat others as you would want them to treat you. This has always worked well for me and I will continue to use it as a gauge. What if you do not care how are you are treated? Is there another way to think about this. I then thought how in Genesis, we are created in the image of God. There are lots of ways to think about this, however today I thought about image being more like seeing the images God sees through his eyes, or better how he views his creation and each one of us in it.
Well the run became more interesting, today I ran through the marina and there were lots of people there. I began to see how precious each person was, the time they were spending with family, the time they were relaxing, the time they were spending with friends. Then I was able to see the beauty of Gods creation. The ocean, the cliffs and a beautiful sky.

I think this is a pretty good reason to run....