Saturday, February 25, 2006

Is winter here for a while!

It looks like we will really have a pretty tame winter this year - it is finally starting to get cold, but there is very little snow. It is also starting to stay lighter later, which is of course a great sign of things to come.

My running has been going well, I started to get a 6 miler in during the week and have been focused on my speed on shorter runs. Overall feel pretty good at this point, next week I plan to get to the 7 mile mark and then add a mile per week to my long runs until I get to 13 mile long runs. I lost 6 pounds this week, did not really do anything different, just really watched what I ate and got my mileage in. I am at 251.5, my first goal is 246 which is 1 pound less than the lowest I have ever been on weight watchers. Looks like 5.5 pounds and counting. I have stopped drinking any alchohol and have really tried to keep a positive focus on things.

Jen is going for her 9 mile run today, we will see how she holds up. Linda's workouts are going well and she is also at her lowest weight in ten years.

Will talk to you later.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Winter is finally here!

Well, winter has finally made its way to Upstate New York, although it is not roaring, it is just slipping in. This is the first week we have had snow on the ground for more then a day or so. It has also been colder. However, I got out today for a run, and it was really nice. It was about 22 but there was no wind and the roads were clear. The running is going pretty good, this week I got my first 6 mile run in on Monday. It was great to get past the 5 mile wall. (more mental than anything) My weight is still going down which is really helping. (256 today)

Jennifer started her marathon training and had a 7 mile run today. Kathryn, Jen, Matthew and I signed up for the relay at the Vermont Marathon in May.

All is going pretty welll, work is not a lot of fun right now, but things have a way of working out. Linda is great, she is also loosing a little weight at this time and you can tell.

Will keep posting as time permits.